Sunday, October 10, 2010

Gone into Hiding??

There is SOMETHING going on this election cycle that I can't explain. I have NEVER, ever seen it before. The exact reason for it is un-clear, but , never-the-less it IS happening!!

Candidates are leaving their party affiliations off of their campaign signs!!! I can't help but wonder WHY!!

MAYBE: They don't want you (the public) to KNOW they are Democrats(/Progressives/Marxists/Commies)??

MAYBE: They feel they CAN'T run on their record of Mega-mega spending? The Obama-care Bill? The Stimulus/"Pork"ulis Bill? The FACT that JOBS are fleeing this country FASTER than illegal aliens being chased by the Border Patrol & I.C.E. ??

MAYBE: They are AFRAID of the name "Democrat", now. They might feel that since they can't call themselves anything else, they can simply "Go Neutral" till AFTER the election!!

Well, guess what?? Won't work...we know WHO you are & WHAT you are & "where you live" as they say in the movies.

You can hide from us on every day except one: ELECTION DAY !!! That's the one day when we FORCE YOU to listen to us & we tell YOU whether YOU still have a JOB or NOT !!

I believe it is something different this time. I think it is something they have NEVER encountered before that has them PETRIFIED!! A little thing called the "Tea Party"!! There, I said it!!

I know, it's supposed to be a group of in-bred, slack-jawed, mouth-breathers that doesn't know it's butt from a hole in the ground!! BUT, if that's true.....why are THEY so afraid of US ?

BECAUSE they KNOW they haven't completed their "Take-over" of the Guvment yet. Sooooo, that means we STILL have a VOTE for them to worry about!! Not to mention the FACT that 2% of US are SMARTER than 98% of THEM since we WORK for a living and know what balancing a checkbook is all about!

As "Tea Party" members, we have made the decision that the "Status Quo" is no longer desirable or wanted. That we, as voters, have made a conscious decision to DO SOMETHING about it in November!! That means, regardless of WHICH party you are in, if you are "judged & found to be wanting" in OUR eyes you WILL be looking for employment elsewhere. Oh, and by the way, we ARE going to close that little "Lobbyist" loophole thing after you have cleaned out your desk!! If nothing else, a nice little "10 year wait before you can" clause should do it!!

Well, I guess it wasn't such a BIG mystery after all, was it?!!

My final word is this: Do what YOU feel you need to do on election day. But, make sure you have checked out ALL those running for office (their voting record, ect.) & that it is a decision you can live with. Remember the LAST election??

Thursday, July 1, 2010

The "EVIL EIGHT" Congressman

As we count down the days to Mid-term elections this fall, I feel it necessary to remind everyone of the TRAITORS to the Republican Party & the Nation that voted FOR the Stimulas Package!!!

They will ALWAYS be on MY "Wall of Shame":

1.) Mary Bono Mack (R-CA.)

2.) M.S.Kirk (R-IL.)

3.) F.LoBiono (R-NJ.)

4.) D. Reichert (R-WA.)

5.) M. Castle (R-DEL.)

6.) L. Lance (R-NJ.)

7.) J. McHugh (R-NY.)

8.) C. Smith (R-NJ.)

I can only hope & pray to GOD that enough people see & read this in their home states that it INSPIRES & INFURIATES them enough to vote these TRAITORS OUT. Then have the guts to install some real Constitutional Conservatives to help CORRECT their failures !!!